I'm Ready

I’m Ready

Know your status. Connect to care.

Any time | Any place | Any body

Learn about the I’m Ready program

I’m Ready to Talk

Connect with peer navigators for support before, during or after you test.

Learn more

I’m Ready to Know

I’m Ready to Know is about
options for HIV self-testing
and connections to care.

Learn about I’m Ready to Know

Questions about HIV self-testing?

You have questions, we’ve got answers.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
for more information.

Visit FAQs

Taking a self-test

How does it work and
how accurate are its results?

Learn about the OraQuick® HIV Self-Test

I’m Ready.  I’m ready to seek advice. I’m ready to know my status. I’m ready to love and be loved.

I’m Ready Jamaica offers HIV self-testing and connections to care.

I’m Ready to Know is a project that is providing easy options to increase access to HIV self-testing. We want everyone to know their HIV status and give people choices about how to connect to the care they deserve. Our vision is for everyone in Jamaica to have stigma-free access to HIV testing and support.

Health Connect Jamaica’s new initiative, the I’m Ready Jamaica program, will distribute 5,000 FREE HIV self-testing kits across Jamaica and inviting self-testers to connect to care and to PRIVATELY and ANONYMOUSLY share their results and be guided to the best options for you based on your results. Our HIV self-testing kits use mouth swabs – no needles necessary!

The I’m Ready Jamaica Program

Know your status. Connect to care. Any time | Any place | Any body

Are you ready?

Our program is sharing FREE HIV self-testing kits using mouth swabs and asking questions from the people who will use them so we can learn how to improve HIV testing and care in Jamaica.

I’m Ready Jamaica is a program to reach the anyone who does not know their HIV status and those at risk of HIV in Jamaica. If you want to know your status and take advantage of our program, just download the Health Connect Jamaica Virtual app to order to three (3) FREE HIV self-testing kits to be delivered to you or pickup one of our kits at a location near you.

Once you have your kit(s), you can use the app to test on your own and to get more information about HIV care and prevention. You can also book time with a Peer Navigator or Case Manager through our Health Connect Jamaica app’s secure telehealth service. They will offer support with testing and connections to care at any point before, during or after you take the test.Along the way, you’ll answer a few questions through the Health Connect Jamaica Virtual app to help improve HIV testing and care in Jamaica.

Never Feel Alone Again!

Know your status in four easy steps:

The I’m Ready Jamaica app:
Know your status

Download the free Health Connect  Jamaica Virtual app to your  phone and select Testing to order up to three (3) HIV self-testing kits. If you want to test on your own, the Health Connect  Jamaica Virtual app will guide you through the testing process and connect you to information about HIV care and prevention. The app can also help you connect to optional peer navigator support through our secure telehealth service within the app.

Your anonymous responses to our survey questions in the Health Connect  Jamaica Virtual app, including sharing your results, will help us make HIV testing and care better in Jamaica.

Download the App

App store download button
Google Play download button

The OraQuick HIV Self-Test Kit:
Test where and when you want to

With the I’m Ready Jamaica Program, you can get up to three (3) free OraQuick HIV Self-Test kits.

The OraQuick HIV Self-Test is an mouth swab test with rapid results and is approved for use in Jamaica. It’s similar to other home self-tests, not unlike a pregnancy test: you do the test on yourself and see the result within minutes.

Connect to care with support from I’m Ready Jamaica peer navigators, or on your own

Are you self-testing for HIV, or thinking about it? Our peer navigators through the I’m Ready Jamaica secure telehealth service within the app are here for you before, during and after you take the test. They can answer your questions about the I’m Ready Jamaica program, walk you through the self-testing steps and connect you to resources for HIV treatment, care and prevention. If your test is positive, you can also speak to our Case Managers who will help you through the process of confirming your results at a lab, connect you to counselling with our Psychologist, and to one of our Doctors for treatment. They can also connect you to PrEP!

If you prefer to find services and resources on your own, you can go to our Health Connect Jamaica website to book free confirmation testing at a lab, get PrEP, counselling or treatment with a doctor . For more information, check out our Frequently Asked Questions  and our Pre and post-test counselling pages.

I’m Ready partners